Close your eyes.  Take a breath.  See it swirl with colors as it enters through your nostrils, travels down and into your lungs, and exhales back out again.  Feel the coolness of the air as it enters in and the heat as it leaves once more.  Visualize this breath as a stream of feathers, traveling to the places that need it most and dusting away the stale air and tension, before sweeping clean on the exhale.  Now link this breath to your body as you move mindfully from one posture to the next.  Slowly and surely, allowing the breath to sweep in through every inch as you explore the shapes your body can make, dusting away inhibitions, doubts, and worries that clog up the flow, and instead encouraging stillness of thought, peace, and ease in your postures.  Linking breath to movement: One Breath, One Movement.  Find meditation on your mat, by paying attention to the answers within, and discovering the purpose of each and every pose as it speaks to you in your life.  Mindful Motion is Moving Meditation.  Welcome.

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